Compassionate Shopping Guide – Web Design Case Study

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Charity Website Design for Compassionate Shopping Guide – Web Design Case Study

About Compassionate Shopping Guide – Web Design Case Study

Features of the site

The Compassionate Shopping Guide (CSG) was created by Naturewatch Foundation 30 years ago to signpost people to be able to buy cruelty-free beauty and household cleaning products.

When they endorse a brand, they consider any parent company’s activities, too. This makes their endorsement criteria more comprehensive than others, meaning shoppers can be confident their

money isn’t supporting animal testing in any way.

Their more stringent guidelines give the CSG its USP compared to other competitors on the market.

Zero ties to animal testing.

Excellent Accessibility Standards

Optimised for all devices

SEO ready

Built in flexible and dynamic contact / registration forms

Fast loading times

Easy to edit for all team members

An easy sign-up to the e-newsletter function.

A powerful search facility with multiple category options for brands

Provide a facility for users to take action.

Renewal dates for brands with admin notification

Downloadable reports in CSV format

Page templates for consistency

Excellent User Experience / User Journey

Dynamic content i.e. News, Blogs. Social media feeds easily seen

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