Impact Folks


The Swan Song Project

The person behind it

Ben Buddy Slack is the Founder and Creative Director of The Swan Song Project. Currently the only member of staff at the charity. I started The Swan Song Project following the loss of my Grandma. She always loved singing with us and I have a lot of very happy memories of making music at Grandmas house. I regretted never recording her singing with us and as a songwriter myself I then got to thinking about how nice it would have been had Grandma written a song for us. I started The Swan Song Project to give others the opportunity to write and record their own song that their families and friends can enjoy for years to come.

What they do

We help people facing end of life to write and record their own original songs. This includes people of all stages of terminal illness.

We also work with people dealing with bereavement to help them process their grief and create a song in memory of a loved one.

We currently work with 3 hospices across Leeds and Bradford and are looking to expand further.

During the lockdown we have also started a podcast where I have been speaking to songwriters about their craft and how music has helped them with bereavement in the past.

Their Impact

We help people with one of life’s greatest challenges, facing the end of ones own life or the loss of a loved one. The songwriting process helps individuals explore the emotions often leading to an acceptance of their situations, reflections of their lives and relationships and a great sense of pride in creating a unique song that can live on for years to come. Talking about death and dying is a taboo in our society and we believe this is one of the factors that makes it so hard for people. We are hoping to improve the conversation around these areas using the power of music and song.

How you can help them

We are working hard to expand our service and make it available for as many people as possible. You can follow our progress across our social media channels and help to promote the project. Donations can be made through the website and are always extremely appreciated. If you are interested in offering and skills or services to the charity please contact us via email at and we can discuss what is possible from there.

Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | LinkedIn

Rich and Agency for Good have been a great help to our development. Marketing was something I knew nothing about and Rich has given a lot of his time helping me understand and make better plans for developing our marketing strategy. He made it all very clear and easy to understand and I look forward to working with him more in the future as things continue to grow for The Swan Song Project and Agency for Good.

Agency For Good are an ethical marketing agency.

We provide completely free marketing consultancy, coaching and training to 3rd sector organisations to help you focus and improve your income and in turn your social impact.

In 2019 we delivered 419 hours to 111 charities and social enterprise and we want to increase this to 500 hours this year so please get in touch.

We also provide high quality but subsidised web design, graphic design, video, social media, SEO, PR and copywriting services.

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